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Definition bag


The Definition Bag is a bag that contains mixed objects and symbols (e.g. a flower, an owl, a clock, a heart, a star, a box, a piggy bank, a balloon, a flag, etc.). The students use the definition bag to unpack and bring clarity to the problem of the present situation by associating symbols, knowledge, attributes, etc. to the problem at hand.


The teacher asks the students, individually or in groups, to select 3-4 objects from the Definition Bag, which they find to symbolize the main challenges of the problem. Based on these objects, the students discuss why they have chosen these objects and how they relate to the problem. Based on this discussion, they write a problem statement.


The students take photos or draw the chosen objects, and write additional text. Another option is that the teacher hands out pre-printed sheets with questions that the students answer. For example, “What is the story behind this object and how does this story relate to the problem at hand?” or “Which characteristics does this object share with the problem?” etc.


Henderson, K. (1991). Flexible sketches and inflexible data bases: Visual communication, conscription devices, and boundary objects in design engineering. Science, technology & human values, 16(4), 448-473.

Bechky, B. A. (2003). Object Lessons: Workplace Artifacts as Representations of Occupational Jurisdiction1. American Journal of Sociology, 109(3), 720-752.

Fong, A., Valerdi, R., & Srinivasan, J. (2007). Boundary objects as a framework to understand the role of systems integrators. In Systems Research Forum (Vol. 2, No. 01, pp. 11-18). World Scientific Publishing Company.